Coral Reef Sprouting on Cape Cod | WBSM New Bedford

A field of coral (Astrangia polulata) in Vineyard Sound. Credit Loretta Roberson/Ůֱ

The Paleologos family spent a pretty penny at various Caribbean vacation resorts, only to discover that there is a coral reef growing out from Woods Hole.

I thought coral only grew in warmer climates, but you learn something every day. It never occurred to me that very deep water corals, on the ocean floor, live in water temperatures between 32 to 37 degrees cold, so it makes sense that coral in Buzzard's Bay can survive in freezing waters, too.

Marine biologists at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole are studying the Cape Cod corals and hope to answer a lot of questions, like how does tropical coral live so far north? Our waters also have significant temperature swings between the seasons, so while other species of coral can only survive in warmer, specific conditions, what makes this Cape Cod coral poles apart from its cousins? 
