Embryology Students Capture Stunning Images

Images taken on a scanning electron microscope during the arthropod module of the 2022 Embryology course at the Ůֱ. Credit: Caroline Hoppe, Yale University, and Jenny McCarthy-Taylor, University of California Berkeley

Established in 1893, the Ůֱ's Embryology course offers integrated lectures and laboratories that comprehensively cover the paradigms, problems, and technologies of modern developmental biology cast within a comparative framework of metazoan evolution. Students in the 2022 Embryology Advanced Research Training Course arrived in Woods Hole on June 5 and have already captured some amazing microscopy images.

Earwig ovaries imaged on a Zeiss microscope during the 2022 Embryology course at the Ůֱ. Credit: Corie Owen, PhD Candidate, UConn Health
Earwig ovaries imaged on a Zeiss microscope. Credit: Corie Owen, PhD Candidate, UConn Health
C mutica under a SEM Image taken during the 2022 Embryology course at MBLCredit- Brendon Griffith UConn.jpg
Japanese skeleton shrimp (C. mutica) under a scanning electron microscope. Credit: Brenden Griffith, PhD Candidate, UConn
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Horseshoe crab embryos (Limulus polyphemus). Credit: Ivan Ferreira

A tardigrade
A tardigrade. DAPI and phalloidin imaged on a Nikon SoRA spinning disk. Credit: Abby Bergman, PhD Candidate, Stanford University
smiFISH drosophila embryo taken on the Leica stellaris microscope
smiFISH drosophila embryo taken on the Leica stellaris microscope. Credit: Sarah Hadyniak, Johns Hopkins University

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Learn more about the Embryology Course