New Publications: August 2022

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Every month, research from MBLscientists and affiliates is published in academic journals across the globe. In August 2022, 13 new studies were published. Ůֱ-affiliated authors are in bold.

Our list of recent publications is updated weekly here.

August 2022

Avila, C., Bunuel, X., Carmona, F., Cotado, A., Sacristan-Soriano, O., & Angulo-Preckler, C. (2022). Would Antarctic Marine Benthos Survive Alien Species Invasions? What Chemical Ecology May Tell Us. Marine Drugs.

Drinkwater, E., Allen, W., Endler, J., Hanlon, R., Holmes, G., Homziak, N., Kang, C., Leavell, B., Lehtonen, J., Loeffler‐Henry, K., Ratcliffe, J., Rowe, C., Ruxton, G., Sherratt, T., Skelhorn, J., Skojec, C., Smart, H., White, T., Yack, J., Young, C. M., & Umbers, K. D. L. (2022). A synthesis of deimatic behaviour. Biological Reviews.

Eagle, M., Kroeger, K., Spivak, A., Wang, F., Tang, J., Abdul-Aziz, O., Ishtiaq, K., O’Keefe Suttles, J., & Mann, A. (2022). Soil carbon consequences of historic hydrologic impairment and recent restoration in coastal wetlands. The Science of the Total Environment.

Houston, D., Elliott, K., Coppenrath, K., Wlizla, M., & Horb, M. (2022). Maternal Wnt11b regulates cortical rotation during Xenopus axis formation: Analysis of maternal-effect wnt11b mutants. Development.

Hudson, A., Peters, D., Blair, J., Childers, D., Doran, P., Geil, K., Gooseff, M., Gross, K., Haddad, N., Pastore, M., Rudgers, J., Sala, O., Seabloom, E., & Shaver, G. (2022). Cross-Site Comparisons of Dryland Ecosystem Response to Climate Change in the US Long-Term Ecological Research Network. BioScience.

Lovas, J. R., & Yuste, R. (2022). Dissociation and reaggregation of Hydra vulgaris for studies of self-organization. STAR Protocols.

Miranda, K., Weigel, B., Fogarty, E., Veseli, I., Giblin, A., Eren, A., & Pfister, C. (2022). The Diversity and Functional Capacity of Microbes Associated with Coastal Macrophytes. mSystems.

Parkinson, R. H., Fecher, C., & Gray, J. R. (2022). Chronic exposure to insecticides impairs honeybee optomotor behaviour. Frontiers in Insect Science.

Learn More: Grass Fellows Find Insecticides Impair Honeybee Navigation | Global News

Paul, B., Yushenova, I., & Arkhipova, I. (2022). The Diversity of Reverse Transcriptases. In Retrotransposons and Human Disease (pp. 1–28).

Rogers, L., Van Wert, J., & Mensinger, A. (2022). Response of toadfish (Opsanus tau) utricular afferents to multimodal inputs. Journal of Neurophysiology.

Wittmers, F., Needham, D. M., Hehenberger, E., Giovannoni, S. J., & Worden, A. Z. (2022). Genomes from Uncultivated Pelagiphages Reveal Multiple Phylogenetic Clades Exhibiting Extensive Auxiliary Metabolic Genes and Cross-Family Multigene Transfers. mSystems.

You, Y., Tian, H., Pan, S., Shi, H., Bian, Z., Gurgel, A., Huang, Y., Kicklighter, D., Liang, X.-Z., Lu, C., Melillo, J., Miao, R., Pan, N., Reilly, J., Ren, W., Xu, R., Yang, J., Yu, Q., & Zhang, J. (2022). Incorporating dynamic crop growth processes and management practices into a terrestrial biosphere model for simulating crop production in the United States: Toward a unified modeling framework. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Zhang, H., Zammit, M., Kao, C.-M., Govind, A., Mitchell, S., Holderman, N., Bhuiyan, M., Freifelder, R., Zhuang, X., Mukherjee, J., Chen, C.-T., & Green, W. (2022). Trapping of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Ligands Assayed by in vitro Cellular Studies and in vivo PET Imaging. Journal of Neuroscience.

Are you an MBLscientist with a paper that came out this month, which was not included on this list? We apologize for the oversight. Please email