Woods Hole Community Rolls Up Its Sleeves on Climate Preparedness

More than 100 engaged members of the Woods Hole community attended’s end-of-season Neighborhood Working Group meeting on August 29.

At information stations set up in Woods Hole Community Hall, village residents, business owners, and other stakeholders learned more about local climate resiliency options and strategies, and voiced their preferences and suggestions. ResilientWoodsHole (RWH) representatives from the local science institutions, including the Ůֱ, and the Woods Hole Group were on hand to answer questions about RWH’s collaborative work to ensure a climate-resilient future in the village for all.

Here are a few photos from the event. Keep an eye out for ResilientWoodsHole next community workshop!

resilient woods hole workshop
At table in foreground, Annie O'Connell from the Woods Hole Group and Shannon Hulst, Barnstable County’s Floodplain Coordinator, staff the workshop’s Property Owner Station. This station provided technical assistance to residents on protecting property from sea level rise and storm surge. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
paul speer
Paul Speer, Chief Operating Officer at the Marine Biological Laboratory, talks with a community member about climate resiliency options at Stoney Beach. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
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At the workshop’s Adaptation Station, Brittany Hoffnagle from the Woods Hole Group (at right) talks with Alyson Pitts from NOAA Fisheries (a partner in RWH) about dynamic adaptation pathways for Woods Hole neighborhoods. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
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ResilientWoodsHole Coordinator Irina Polunina-Proulx talks to Falmouth Enterprise reporter Gilda Geist about community members’ concerns regarding sea-level rise and flooding in the village. Polunina-Proulx staffed the Whole Village Vulnerabiliity Station
Linnea Laux from the Woods Hole Group, standing by video monitor, staffs the Flood Pathways Station, which played a video of Woods Hole flood risks rendered in 3D. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
In foreground, RWH Project Manager Leslie-Ann McGee and at desk, Shannon Hulst, Barnstable County Floodplain Coordinator. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
Joe Famely from the Woods Hole Group discusses climate resiliency with residents of Gardiner Road. Credit: Leslie-Ann McGee
Looking out on Water Street from the Woods Hole Community Hall. Credit: Alyson Pitts