Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. D.2.1


Initiated by:Superintendent, Building Services and Grounds
Approved by:Facilities, Services and Projects Manager, MBLDirector
Date:March 3, 1995
Revision: #1, February 10, 2005
Updated:  April 2013

1.0 Policy Statement:
The MBLstorage box program maintains both an annual storage box movement list (all boxes) and an inventory control file (wooden boxes only). It is extremely important that all cardboard boxes to be stored have the Principal Investigator’s Last Name on the box.  This will help identify your boxes when they are to be retrieved from storage.

2.0 Procedure:

    2.1 Send requests to store/retrieve box(es) to the Supervisor of Transportation and Grounds, Plant Operations and Maintenance Assistant, and Groundskeeper in one of the following ways:

        2.1.1   Telephone extension 7326 and leave message
        2.1.2   email to:
        2.1.3   in-house mail

    2.2 The individual requesting the boxes will be asked a series of questions such as: name, MBLextension, box # and how many, when, where, etc. The requests will be listed and processed in the order in which they are received.
    2.3 Manager will provide the Groundskeeper with STORAGE BOX MOVEMENT REQUISITION LIST, which will be updated as requests are received.
    2.4 After completing each move, Grounds personnel will check off the LIST and submit a WEEKLY TRACKING LOG to the Manaer used for updating the INVENTORY CONTROL FILE.
    2.5 Wooden box(es) will be NUMBERED (if not already present) when moved by ground personnel. These #’s will be catalogued on the inventory control file by the Manager from the daily tracking logs.
    2.6 Box(es) will remain where left until next movement request is received or unless moved (daily tracking log required) at the discretion of Ůֱ.
    2.7 When/if box(es) are moved from rooms within buildings, the person moving box(es) must submit a completed tracking log to the Supervisor.

3.0 Policy Clarification and Updates:
Policy clarification and updates are available from the Supervisor of Transportation and Grounds.