D.2.3 Bicycle Storage and Locker Room Use

Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. D.2.3


Initiated by: Transportation Services & Grounds Superintendent
Approved by: Director
Date: April 27, 2001
Revision: #2, May 20, 2008
Updated:  April 2013
Distribution: MBLPI’s, Supervisors, and Managers
Other interested Community Members

1.0 Policy Statement:
Bicycles are not permitted in MBLbuildings with the exception of the Bicycle Garage located in the Brick Dorm basement. The facility shall not be used as a long-term storage area, but rather as a place to offer cycling commuters a secure and dry place to keep their bicycles as well as joggers and beach users a place to shower.

2.0 Purpose:
The Bicycle Garage is for the use and enjoyment of staff who ride bicycles to work on a regular basis. Eligibility requires at least once per week year round (weather depending), and at least three times per week in the Spring, Summer and Fall.  Space is limited, so the use of the Bicycle Garage is on a first-come, first-served basis.

    2.1 Summer visitors will also have the option to use the facility for a fee. Visitors and students shall not leave a bicycle in the garage over the Winter. Bicycles left behind will be removed and disposed of at the Ůֱ’s discretion.

    2.2 The MBLis not responsible for bicycles parked on MBLpremises. Parking in the MBLBicycle garage, Devil’s Lane Parking Lot storage space, and outdoor racks around the MBLcampus is at the owner’s risk.

3.0 Procedure:
All members of the MBLcommunity are eligible for a locker and a “parking spot” in the Bike Garage on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration forms are available at the switchboard and from the Plant Operations and Maintenance Office. There are separate areas for year round and seasonal participation.

    3.1 Eligible staff will be awarded a numbered sticker for their bicycle, and a locker. Locks will not be provided, but are strongly recommended both for lockers, and bikes. The outside entrance door will be locked at all times, and access will be provided through your ID Badge. Routine facility inspections will be conducted, and individuals not conforming to item 2.0 above may have their bicycles removed (and locked with an MBLlock) to an outside rack at the registered persons’ risk. In such instances, the MBLlock will be removed upon claiming your bike and cleaning out your locker.

    3.2 Participants may park bicycles outdoors at any time at their own risk.

4.0 Assignments and Fees:
Year round eligible staff with or without MBLvehicle stickers will have access to the Bike Garage at no charge. Seasonal eligible staff who do not have a motor vehicle at the MBLwill have similar rights and privileges to the facility as eligible year round staff and frequent use rules will not apply.

    4.1 Seasonal eligible staff who have requested and received an MBLvehicle parking sticker, will be charged a nominal fee of $25.00 for the length of their stay.

5.0 Policy Clarification and Updates:
Policy clarification and updates are available from the Transportation and Grounds Supervisor.