Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. G.1.4

Human Resources

Initiated by:Human Resources Manager
Approved by:MBLDirector, Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
Date:December 3, 1989
Revision:Reconfirmed February, 1996
Distribution:All MBLSupervisors

1.0 Policy Statement:
It is the policy of the Marine Biological Laboratory that all employees are expected to comply with the Laboratory’s standards of behavior and performance and that any noncompliance with these standards must be remedied and will be subject to progressive discipline up to and including a recommendation of termination.

2.0 If an employee is not meeting Laboratory standards of behavior or performance, the employee’s supervisor should take the following action:

    2.1 Meet with the employee to discuss the matter;
    2.2 Inform the employee of the nature of the problem and the action necessary to correct it; and
    2.3 Prepare a memorandum for the supervisor’s own records indicating that the meeting has taken place.

3.0 If there is a second occurrence, the supervisor should hold another meeting with the employee and take the following action:

    3.1 Issue a written reprimand to the employee;
    3.2 Warn the employee that a third incident will result in more severe disciplinary action; and
    3.3 Prepare and forward to the Human Resources Department and the Department Manager a written report describing the first and second incidents and summarizing the action taken during the meetings with the employee.

4.0 If there are additional occurrences, the supervisor should take the following action:

    4.1 Issue a written reprimand or warning;
    4.2 Suspend the employee without pay for up to five working days; or
    4.3 Suspend the employee indefinitely and recommend termination.

    After taking action under section 4.0, the supervisor should prepare and forward to the Department Manager and the Human Resources Department another written report describing the occurrences, indicating the timing between the occurrences, and summarizing the action taken or recommended and its justification.

5.0 The progressive disciplinary procedures described in sections 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, above, may be applied to an employee who is experiencing a series of unrelated problems involving job performance and/or behavior.

6.0 In cases involving serious misconduct, such as a violation of law, the procedures contained in section 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, above, may be disregarded. The supervisor should suspend the employee immediately and, if appropriate, recommend termination of the employee.

7.0 If a supervisor recommends that an employee be terminated, such action should be taken only after consultation with the Department Manager and the Human Resources Manager.

8.0 A period of one year during which an employee experiences no disciplinary problems will nullify any previous violations or incidents for purposes of implementing the disciplinary procedures contained in this policy.

9.0 Policy Clarification and Updates:
Policy clarification and updates are available from the Human Resources office.