Marine Biological Laboratory
Policy No. J.1.9

Marine Resources

Initiated by: Director of Marine Research Services
Approved by: MBLDirector/CEO
Date: October 25, 2018
Revision: 1.2
Distribution: MBLCommunity

1.0 Policy Statement
The passage of the Non-Indigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-646) followed by a Presidential Executive Order (13112) to establish a National Invasive Species Council, established an institutional infrastructure and programs to prevent unintentional introductions of non-indigenous and potentially invasive species. MBLrecognizes its role to implement policies that support these laws and thus the following policy will apply to use of all non-indigenous species. It is the policy of the MBLto actively control and prevent the intentional or accidental introduction of non-indigenous species into the local environment.

2.0 Definitions

  • 2.1 The term “non-indigenous species,” as used in this document, is synonymous with, or includes, the terms “introduced,” “alien,” “exotic” and “non-native” species. The terms are used to refer to a species living outside its native distributional range, having arrived there by human activity, either deliberate or accidental. The abbreviation, “NIS” may be used to refer to non-indigenous species.
    • 2.1.1 MBLalso distinguishes and treats non-local specimens or populations of native species as non-indigenous. This based on an assumption that regional populations may possess distinct traits or genetic diversity and may also possess associated non-native pathogens or other commensal or parasitic organisms. The term “non-indigenous population,” or “NIP” may be used for this concept.
    • 2.1.2 For MBLpurposes, species collected within the boundaries of Cape Cod, Buzzards Bay, Nantucket and Vineyard Sounds, including established non-indigenous species, are exempt from policy requirements.
  • 2.2 Marine Resource Center staff, to whom queries and notices regarding non-indigenous species may be directed, include:
    • 2.2.1 Director of Marine Research Services (MRC Director)
    • 2.2.2 MBLVeterinarian
    • 2.2.3 Animal Care Technician(s)
    • 2.2.4 MBLSafety Officer

3.0 Coordination

  • 3.1 The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) coordinates the documentation and approval of non-indigenous species to the Ůֱ. All users of such species:
    • 3.1.1 must complete an MBLInstitutional Biosafety Committee application as part of the registration process.
    • 3.1.2 must submit assurances that containment measures will prevent the unintentional release of whole are partial specimens of non-indigenous species. These assurances must account for the containment of embryos and progeny as well as adult specimens.
    • 3.1.3 Must receive approval to use the documented species on MBLproperty.
    • 3.1.4 May be requested to develop and submit a Non-indigenous Aquatic Organism Risk Analysis Protocol or a Species-Specific Containment Protocol (both to be written) for review by the Institutional Biosafety Committee

4.0 Procurement

  • 4.1 Newly-acquired animals can introduce known or unknown exotic diseases into established colonies. Delivery of animals from an outside institution must be preceded by a health certificate or health assurance statement, as appropriate. Investigators who wish to purchase aquatic animals from outside vendors must deal with reliable commercial providers. Additional advice should be sought from the Purchasing Department or the MRC Shipping Department.

5.0 Transportation

  • 5.1 The MRC Director or the designated person(s) must be notified in writing, and approval must be granted in writing from the MRC Director or designated person(s), prior to the transport of any non-vertebrate aquatic organism or plant to any MBLfacility by individual investigators, students or course directors. If the animals are vertebrates, an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee protocol application that includes a certified health certificate must be submitted and approved before they can be brought to the Ůֱ. All transport media (to include water and organic packing material) and containers will be disposed of in such a way to prevent the introduction of non-indigenous (exotic) species or pathogens into the local environment. Disposal protocols may include chemical treatment (i.e., hyperchlorate, or strong acids, bases), or heat (autoclaving or incineration).

6.0 Housing and Husbandry

  • 6.1 All non-indigenous species must be housed and maintained in locations approved for this use by the Ůֱ. This includes the Marine Resource Center 2nd floor Mariculture Room. Specific areas of this facility are designated for NIS. The Mariculture Room provides a contained environment for NIS that is elevated one story above ground level. This ensures that any flooding event, such as during a hurricane, does not affect the holding areas for NIS and increase the risk of an accidental introduction. Spills and aerosolized water vapor originating in NIS-allocated tanks may also be better contained in this facility.
  • 6.2 Other campus locations may be used to house NIS. The location must be approved for use by the MRC Director and the Chief Operating Officer. Any location located at or below the hundred-year flood plain must provide an emergency evacuation plan that is put into effect in the event of a Hurricane warning. An approved location must provide an approved water treatment system that ensures no living biological material originating in NIS life support systems is discharged.
  • 6.3 Access to, and use of, NIS housed in the designated NIS area of the MRC may proceed in other areas of the laboratory. Specimens may be transported to the investigator or course laboratory for procedures. All transport media and containers should be subsequently treated to prevent the introduction of NIS into the local environment.
  • 6.4 Non-indigenous populations (NIP) of native species are not required to be housed in the area of the 2nd floor Mariculture Room designated for non-indigenous species. NIP may be housed in the Valois tank room.
  • 6.5 Any effluent originating in NIS or NIP tanks will be treated for pathogens, gametes and any living cells through treatment prior to discharge. Treatment includes the mixing of effluent with ozone, according to standardized measures for this purpose or, when the ozone system is not operational, with chlorine.

7.0 Disposal

  • 7.1 Any dead NIS or NIP specimens should not be disposed of in the bucket system made available throughout the MBLcampus and designated for local and native species only.
  • 7.2 Dead NIS or NIP specimens should be disposed of in the following manner:
    • 7.2.1 The specimen(s) should be placed in a plastic bag along with a paper document that identifies the species and the contact person responsible for it.
    • 7.2.2 The bag should be sealed and stored in a freezer designated for this purpose.
    • 7.2.3 Specimens will be removed from this freezer for incineration

8.0 Response to Accidental Introductions
In the event that a non-indigenous species or member(s) of a non-indigenous population of a native species is accidentally released in the local environment, immediate reporting is the key to an effective response. Responses include containment, eradication, control and mitigation.

  • 8.1 For the persons reporting the release.
    • 8.1.1 Immediately contact a designated MBLNIS contact. This includes:
      • The Marine Resource Department Manager
      • The MBLVeterinarian
      • The MBLSafety Officer
      • The designated watchperson for after-hours contact.
    • 8.1.2 Have the following information available to provide:
      • The name of the species released
      • The date and time the release occurred
      • The number of individuals
      • The life stage of the individuals released
      • The exact mechanisms of their accidental release including the specific location on the MBLcampus
    • 8.1.3 Indicate whether a specific non-indigenous containment protocol was submitted in association with the species.
  • 8.2 Contact the MBLFacilities Manager
  • 8.3 Contact the appropriate authority
    • 8.3.1 The MBLNIS contact will, in the case of an accidental release of a non-indigenous species, contact the Invasive Species Program Coordinator at the Massachusetts Department of Coastal Zone Management (617) 626-1231).
    • 8.3.2 Supply all details to the MCZM representative.
  • 8.4 Assess whether any containment measures may be implemented. Time may be of the essence and, in consultation with the state representative, the MBLDirector and the MBLSafety Officer, establish an initial action plan until an authoritative decision can be made.