Marine Biological Laboratory Policy
Policy No. K.1.5 Sponsored Projects

Responsible Office: Office of Sponsored Programs
Approval: Director, Division of Research
Issued: January 12, 2016
Updated: March 16, 2020

Purpose:  To provide guidelines governing the management of sponsored projects.

MBLresearch and education programs receive support through contracts, grants, and other arrangements with government, industry and foundations.

No person is permitted to use MBLfacilities for sponsored research unless arrangements have been made through proper administrative channels as outlined:

  1. Agreements for sponsored projects are made in the name of the Marine Biological Laboratory.
  2. The project must come within the volume and nature of research (measured in dollars, space, personnel, and required amount of administrative attention) that the MBLcan appropriately undertake and be consistent with the mission of the Ůֱ.
  3. Each division of the MBLmust be willing to accept responsibility for the program and must have staff members who are available and willing to oversee the program of research. The technical supervision of all research projects is the responsibility of the individuals directing them, who in turn are responsible to division leadership.
  4. Availability of space and equipment must be assured in advance by the division director.

The MBLPrincipal Investigator (PI) is accountable for the administrative and financial management of the sponsored projects they are assigned to.

  1. PI is responsible for the management and administration of the sponsored project within the administrative requirements imposed by the sponsor and in accordance with MBLpolicy. In this capacity, the PI authorizes all direct cost expenditures of project funds and is responsible for ensuring that complete documentation is provide for those expenditures.
  2. Although the PI may delegate responsibility for day to day financial management of a grant or contract to others within the division, the investigator must exercise appropriate oversight of the overall finances of the project. This is necessary in order to ensure that charges to the sponsored project:
    • a.) Are reasonable and necessary, allowable under the terms and conditions of the award, properly allocated to and among multiple awards and funding sources, and limited to the funds awarded for the project;
    • b.) As they relate to personnel costs, are consistent with the effort expended by those working on the sponsored project – Note: Under extraordinary circumstances the charging of salary and benefits to active awards from all funding sources, Federal and non-Federal, when no work is being performed is allowable. The PI should work closely with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) regarding the need to charge salaries in such a situation (e.g. closure due to natural disaster or pandemic). OSP will notify the sponsor of affected awards if/when charges are incurred.
    • c.) As they relate to costs other than personnel, are appropriately charged and allocated to the sponsored project;
    • d.) Are In compliance with MBLpolicies and procedures, and with Sponsor-specific terms and conditions.

Applicability and Effective Date:
This policy applies to all sponsored projects, regardless of award mechanism, whether funded from governmental or non-governmental sources, and is effective upon issuance.
Effective Date: January 12, 2016